Nashir Naqvi

Dr. Nashir Naqvi received his Ph.D from Punjab University in Chandigarh and is currently Head of the Department of Urdu, Persian and Arabic at Punjabi University Patiala, as well as the director of the Baba Farid Centre for Sufi Studies, also at Punjabi University. He has written, edited and published numerous articles, books and magazines on Urdu culture, literature, poets and poetry.    

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Dr. Naqvi has received numerous awards and has been recognized in India and Internationally for his scholarship and as a subject expert. He has been a valuable resource, representing Urdu poetry and literature in seminars, university lectures, radio and television programming and documentaries including 1000 lectures on Doordarshan television. He is known as a national poet and his popular poetry includes the lyrics to two songs sung each year at Women’s Day.