Dr. Anil Chaudhary

Pt. Anil Chaudhary creates for the listener – a joyous experience of music, Pakhawaj performance, and of silence – to which all Indian classical music aspires. He credits his Guru, Baba Yamuna Prasad Chaudhary for showing him the way to tap into the Anad (without beginning) and Anant (without end) through the music. 

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He also studied with Pandit Ram Ashish Pathak of the Darbhanga Gharāna. Pt. Chaudhary has performed internationally as a solo artist as well as accompanist to the greatest names of Dhrupad singing. He has reached millions of listeners in India through his concerts, writing, lectures and television appearances and has been recognized for his participation in the Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music Amongst the Youth and as founder of Dhrupadam, a society for the promotion and preservation of Dhrupad through lectures, workshops and performances. A multi-faceted artist, Pt. Chaudhary is a talented poet, respected ophthalmologist, as well as a brilliant musician.