Anād Kāv Sanmān 2009-10
Citation: Honouring Navtej Bharati and Ajmer Rode

Navtej Bharati and Ajmer Rode jio
Your magnum opus Leela has made many people re-engage with poetry as no other book in Punjabi has in recent times.
Its poems defy categorization, the layout foregrounds poetry instead of the poet and the scripts of ancient and modern languages reproduced illumine the poetry of their own. Through its aesthetics Leela honours our forefathers who created scripts on stones, clays, tree barks, and leathers and showed us the way.
Leela has been aptly described as a book of epic dimensions, one of the most important poetry books of the twentieth century, and an all-time classic.
Ajmer ji, you have expanded the scope of Punjabi language and given a new turn to its poetry infusing it with inspirations from science. You have introduced ideas of the concrete, dadaist and surrealist poetry into Punjabi. Your poetic voice is distinct and unassuming, imbued with karuna and empathy. Like mastering both Sitar and Piano you have written in Punjabi and English with dexterity. You have been included in reputed English anthologies and have enhanced the image of Punjabi poetry abroad.
Navtej ji, your poetry is a rebuttal to pronouncements that poetry is dying in our times. You have inspired many to turn to poetry in our language. Your long poems in Leela show your epic breadth to reconstruct reality interpreting Indian myths in contemporary context. Your style blends lyricism, simplicity and philosophy to create prose and poetry par excellence. The publication of your English poems, Endless Eye, by the Poetry Association of Canada, a reputed organization in the country, expands the reach of Punjabi poetry.
In recognition to your dedication to Punjabi and to literature
The Anād Foundation
today, Sunday, the twenty-eighth day of November the year 2010 AD
feels honoured in presenting you
Navtej Bharati and Ajmer Rode jio
the Anād Kāv Sanmān 2009 with gratitude
In memory of Bibi Baljit Kaur Tulsi.

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